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About ASHER + Olive

I opened my Etsy shop about 9 years ago...just trying to find a creative outlet for myself, and to help supplement mine and my husband's income.  I have always dreamed of owning my own creative business.  Despite a few casual attempts, it has remained more of a hobby until the beginning of 2016.


My daughter, Olivia, was born in October 2015...and with two littles, I had decided it was time to put the time consuming and money wasting projects that I called a "business" aside.  And had packed everything away.

For Christmas, I did a handmade gift for my new bundle Olivia, and her soon-to-be (born two days after) cousin - something I've considered steering my shop toward previously just never took the time to develop and leap.  To the strong urging a of my sister-in-law, I decided to give it a go and see if I got any interest this time around.  Well, we hit the ground running...before I had fully developed my game plan or was really even remotely prepared - the orders started coming!


I had designed a new logo for my Etsy shop in 2013 - and that is the face used for the pillow dolls.  The other products were started in 2013 as well, and will be developing along side the pillow dolls.

All photos on this page

credit: Kelly Wilson   -   Kelly Wilson Photography at Landmark Studios   -  Fallbrook, CA

Now let me introduce you to Asher and Olivia...the reasons I stay at home, my two miracle rainbow babies, and what fill my daily life aside from pillow dolls.


Asher's almost FIVE!  A redhead who's independent, mechanical, and all boy!!

Olivia is our princess and, at 2 years old, she wants everyone to know it!

Baby #3, our surprise little Connor man,

joined our family on December 9th!


  They are my world, and they are what inspires and drives me.

Stay tuned for shop updates and info

on our Instagram feed as well as through our email list (signup at the top of the page)...

As we welcome our third little

(a surprise this time) into our family!

We "re-opened" (or rather officially closed Sugar Spice and Nutmeg and opened ASHER + Olive)  on January 14th, 2016.  And I haven't had the time to look back!


I am so grateful for the opportunity to work from home.

My husband and I have never had an easy time, financially, since we were married over 11 years ago.  But, now, I am able to stay home with my Asher and Olive, but I am helping lift some of the weight from my husbands shoulders as well.


I can't express enough how amazed I am by the small shop community, my first batch of reps/enthusiasts who jumped on board and helped me grow sight-unseen, my sister-in-law that has helped encourage,

and God for providing me with this opportunity, the orders, and something people are willing to buy. 

I am Megan Alford.  Owner and sole operator of ASHER + Olive.  I am the one communicating with you, posting on social media, working on my computer on your digital designs, and finishing and shipping your orders!  My "office" is in the living room of our home where my kiddos play - and though that is a tad bit insane at times, I wouldn't have it any other way.


We started in southern California, and have moved to northern California, but our families are somewhat scattered through a few states.

Everything produced is digitally drawn by me.  Sewn, stuffed, packaged, and shipped by my two hands!  It is all a labor of love, and they are truly unique, handcrafted, and personal gifts.

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